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Blog Post

Sep 04

Daily Devotional 09-04-2019

Happy Wednesday! It is a great day!

In the Gospels, we read of a young man, wealthy and a studious follower of the law. He knows that something is missing, and that what he has and everything he has done is not good enough to get him eternal life. He is used to being able to buy or get whatever he wants. So, in this search, he hears of Jesus and seeks Him out. When he finally gets Jesus's attention, he asks Jesus what he needs to do in order to gain eternal life.

Jesus answers in Luke 18:22,

"On hearing this Jesus said to him, “There is one thing you still lack. Sell whatever you have, distribute the proceeds to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then come, follow me!”

Now, we do know that the young man went away sad and distraught because he was very wealthy. But there is a lesson in there for all of us, even those of us who are children of God.

See, there was something blocking the young man's ability to follow Jesus. A lot of people misread the passage and think that selling the stuff and following Jesus would guaranty eternal life. It doesn't. It is a gift. But, that isn't the point.

As we try to walk with Jesus and follow Him, what response would we get from Jesus if we asked Him what we needed to do to follow Him? Would He tell us to give up our job, our wealth, our favorite TV show, our friends, our favorite food or beverage? I can tell you what He will ask. It will be anything that we make more important than Him.

Today, are we willing to ask the question of Jesus? Are we willing to give up what He asks? Or will we walk away sad, and follow Jesus only so far?

-a brother in Jesus

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