Good Morning! I hope that everyone is adjusting well to the time change. I am still adjusting, but I will be good to go soon.
So, I was reading today and was led to Isaiah 48:17-18:
This is what the Lord says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.
If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea."
God was talking to the nation of Israel, who did not follow His teaching and instruction. The consequences were very painful for them to bear.
However, these verses hide a promise and a blessing. In verse 17, we find that God is not only our teacher, but that He knows what is best for us. He is trying to show us how to attain that which is best for us.
In verse 18, we see the blessings that the Israelites lost by not listening to God. We can, however read this as the blessings we will get by obeying and following God's teaching, which we already know is the best thing for us. We can have never ending peace.
May we listen to our Abba, Father. May we learn and follow what He has for each of us. May we then have the Peace that surpasses all understanding, and fills our hearts and minds to overflowing. May we experience true joy as we obey Him.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
-A brother in Christ