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Blog Post

Mar 07

Daily Devotional 03-07-2019

Happy Thursday! May blessings and God's presence be with us today in all we do.

King David wrote in Psalm 42:2:

Just as a deer longs for running streams, God, I long for you.

How many of us can say that we desire God the way David did? We struggle with the cares of life trying to distract us. And even though we do love God for what He has done for us, sometimes our love for Him lacks this passion.

We cannot feel guilt over this. I felt guilty for years because I struggled to desire a relationship with God like this. It takes time to build a deep relationship with anyone. I had to get to the point where I worked at my relationship. Prayer, reading, meditating, and most importantly, listening.

The more we put effort into our relationship with God, the stronger our love and desire for Him becomes. It doesn't just happen overnight. Are we willing to put forth the effort, or are we happy with the status quo?

May we all desire God the way He desires us.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

-A brother in Christ

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